this morning began around 7am with me attempting to persuade myself back into sleep for a fleeting few mins before rising to the occasion of cinnamon biscuits (really good, by the way) coffee and Good Morning America--and National lampoons somethingorother that for whatever reason captured me for a good solid least...then I tended to readying myself and left the "lakehouse" as it has come to be called...but really its the "house on 5 strategically placed endangered fish ponds"...lakehouse is way easier
1hr20mins later, me and Avril Lavigne rolled up to the Atl abode to drop off groceries, I left her (briefly), and ran in, grabbed an apple, a banana, and my nalgene in mid sprint toward the door to catch the 11:30 subway. I hadn't changed the water in my Nalgene b/c it was the same full bottle of water I'd planned to take Friday but forgot, and to me, it seems like being a closed container, the water is still ok. During the ride to school the only person who's ever really criticized my drinking "old" water (because I do this often, esp in the car, and on the trail) called me and I dropped the line that I had last weeks water with me. To which Kevin replies "oh gad rachel, dont drink that water...I mean it" maybe I said I wouldn't (I probably did, say that, I mean) but I did...drink it, that is. And I've been really proud of myself about drinking more water since the acquisition of my new green bottle. Thursday I got down a full 96oz thru the course of the day, and also peed about that many times.
SOOOO....About 20mins before class numero uno was over I was down to about 6oz of water when suddenly I spotted a curious little occurrence going on inside my bottle. Surely it's not what I think it is. But, indeed, there were little white dots floating around in the remaining water. No doubt they had been growing on the surface over the weekend and were jostled into submersion and I didn't notice (imagine that) so I, with quiet contemplation, begin to wonder :
#1 if anyone else had noticed I was drinking molded water
#2 about how much mold I had ingested so far
#3 if the dull ache in my gut was from the mold
#4 if the ache was imagined b/c I have a tendency toward hypochondria, and
#5 that maybe it would turn out to be ok seeing as how mold makes penicillin
Well I'm not dead yet, and I'm on bottle #2...which, upon finishing, will put me at my daily 8-10...then onward if I can manage...drinking water is my new hobby, and there better be some good thing coming out of it too...because finding a restroom every 30mins gets to be a hassle.
During Sexuality and Society we discussed how "gender" in our society is still attemptedly crammed into two boxes of male and female...and after the discussion of all the different "types" of gender, we constructed a gender line, with arnold Schwartzenegger (sp) on one end and (aftermuch deliberation) Halle Berry at the Janet Reno was on Arnolds team and Richard Simmons was on with Halle...and we were left with wondering where we fell on that line and Had we changed over time?
I dont know? Have I? Have you ever noticed deliberation (a fav word of mine) is De-liberation- we weren't quite as liberated after that decision
back to me (as the other rb would say) I guess maybe I am a little more comfortable using a "male-style" wallet now than I would have if I was still attending school or living in the twilight zone of woodruff (which is beginning to encompass most of spartanburg county, as far as chips are concerned)...but the wallet is bad ass, and carrying a stupid GIRL wallet is just too much sometimes. No doubt I carry the wallet inside a bag that could serve as a purse instead of my back pocket (unless I need to) and aside from the fact that I carry as many small books in that bag as possible throughout my day, it IS my purse, but it's not a purse, it's a satchel...carried along beside my Bookbag...theres a difference.
now we're onto our last leg of energy
6% to be exact, I'm gonna get a warning soon-
theres ice on the ground
and I'm