it seems no one notices those little words. now, for all the world to know! from concentrate means TOILET WATER!!!! ok, not really toilet water, but my mother affirmed it's a well known fact they dont exactly use drinking water to deconcentrate concentrated fruit juice (and MY mom is always right, usually). But if you really like the stuff and are too lazy to reach through the shelves into the orchard for a farmhand to hand you a "Natures Own" jug of nonconcentrate or if you just REALLY like the from concentrate stuff, at least just buy the concentrate (it's way cheaper) and mix it with your own toilet water...then at least you know where it's coming from...
but for some of you who might be confused..., you dont HAVE to use toilet water
so today was a good day. by good I mean that even though I got into my first class 3 minutes late because the line at starbucks was so long and even though I spilled a portion of my tripletallnowhipmochaforrachel over my hand while entering class, at least the class was good...and really moving...i think at one point the professor almost cried. talk about passionate. he's one of the most passionate professors I have this semester...besides my sex and society prof...and that just comes with the would suck to have a non-passionate pro-sex professor--then what would be the point?
then I went to hear another professor speak about Involuntary the title of her seminar indicated "I can't get no satisfaction"...
Sadly, I didn't really learn anything except that involuntary celibates usually have really high expectations of WHO they want. One guy who she said filled out her survey said he wanted a "tall slender blonde who is educated, "politically savvy," and who has her own career"...(well who the hell doesn't?) but this man, in particular, was an overweight computer tech (no offense to comp techs, you make the world go round these days) who worked from the basement of a small firm in rural texas and barely cleared 23k annually...(then of course he needs a woman with a career)
but, if I may be so bold
WTF? next time you find yourself wondering why you can't get no satisfaction, who exactly are you wanting to get it FROM? maybe you should just settle for the chunky girl in accounts payable who's had a crush on you for years? you never know...she might just rock your world...and she has a great personality!
the professor giving the speech kept hinting that she may give a solution to involuntary celibates...but it never really reached what I would call a solution, just information about what other people have done...turns out the sooner you address it, the better....
isn't that just the story of our lives-
my married with children friend who met me there (despite the fact that we were both hungry and intended to get lunch until I decided to detour via the speakers auditorium) kept elbowing me (she's recently come into NONinvoluntarycelibacy) saying "she needs to survey me! I'd tell her 'how did I cope? Masturbation baby!'" which I finally gave in and said "ok lets go get lunch"...that seemed to make her happy...hah...and over lunch I made the mistake of asking how her sex life was now that it was rekindled, and she said "hell, ANY sex is good...and at least now my hand isn't so tired!"....classic
you're thinking (my god, is this what women talk about over lunch?) well, yea, DONT?
honestly, I think society should be a lot more open about sex and sexuality, so I'm going to make it a point to mention this stuff on my blog occasionally...if for no other reason than shock therapy. There you have it. No worries, no personal stuff, and everything remains anonymous- but you know who you are....
hahaha...just kidding
but for the record she and I REALLY talked about the latest book we both happened to get and read over christmas break called MANS SEARCH FOR Dr. Frankl. He is a concentration camp survivor, a psychiatrist, and one of the founders of Logotherapy. Something I think can be summed up as a way of living that focuses on suffering. With a great emphasis on being worthy of your suffering. So there.
today I have consumed 64 ounces of water. Proudly. And I'm on my 3rd bottle. And I'm officially about to float out of the computer lab
...about that time eh chap?