hello! didn't anybody notice today is friday?
uh huh...because I didn't. Not until around 8am when I was talking about this weekend and realized that whoops this IS the weekend. Essentially. alright, that's cool I think. Except school starts on Monday. Which is one day closer to graduating, but, you know...being burned out since last summers 13hrs in 7weeks stunt of mine (and successfully keeping a high gpa at that) has kindof put a damper on my academic enthusiasim. Although I am sortof excited that since I'm now finished with my psych degree I am taking an entirely new set of classes for spring...that set being for sociology, my minor, and also I'm stoked that I got into a research practicum with the Social Psych department and the way cool professor Dr. Vanman. Wait...something else totally bad ass is that I am one of 20 or so that found and snagged a spot in a forensics course secretly cross-listed with sociology. how sweet is that? my advisor patted me on the back...she didn't even know it was there...she was looking at my capp and she's like "I thought you were only going to take 4 classes next semester but you have another one on here" and me I'm all pround and grinning "heck yea that forensic soc. course" and she's "what?" and starts checking and i'm thinking "oh shit what if it was all in my imagination and i only THINK i have this imaginary class...then not only do i not get to take that class, but it also means I'm completely neurotic", but then you know, she's up at me with a big grin too "well good for you girl" ....she's from ethiopia so maybe their humor isn't as pervasive on screen, but it was funny the way she said it...shes usually really straitfaced and monotone. Insert sigh of relief. No looney bin for me.
But I think I've inadvertantly recruited a few who might let me just live in schizophrenic bliss in their basement (beit amongst thousands of bags of recyclables) when I finally loose the last of my marbles. If all else fails and I can't fly away (from people in white suits bearing syringes) on my unicorn steed, at least my brother might dig me a hole under my moms house...since she doesn't have a basement--and shes one of the two recruits. I just volunteered her.
I came upon REMs out of time album on Waynes mac the other day. So that's what I'm listening 2.
"...linger on your pale blue eyes"
that's what I do...ages of you
this is Rachel, signing off.