WOOHOO everybody loves Halo2...except me, of course. Blacksheep I am, as always. I figured I'd have to mention it too now since it's the talk of the walk. This morning as we were leaving the bike shop Joseph tried to explain the vast amount of teamwork required to excel in Halo2. I see the mild humor there, but sorry guy, I have to call a What-The Hell-Ever, on Halo2. Whatever happened to Tetris and Dr. Mario?
On a more exciting note, my bike is now cleaned and tuned. And by now I practically owe my life and first born child to Ride On Bikes and the super wonderful employees Joseph and Byron. (mainly joseph, for the record, but I love and appreciate Byron too) who is now back in the saddle after recovering from a broken back, the resulting injury of an automobile driver who was not paying attention to her surroundings. People LOOK at motorcyclists and cyclists all day long but they never SEE us. SEE US PLEASE.
Nothing irritates me more.
Except maybe Halo2.
So I'm debating and debating when to actually leave for South Carolina. I dont WANT to, you see...and that's what's making it difficult for me to actually DO that...go, I mean. So I'm piddling time away in Columbus not wanting to drive the 280something miles through HELL also knoown as I-85 thru Atlanta with construction and holiday induced traffic to then reach a destination and submit myself to annual holiday trauma. I dont even HAVE money and I practically have to meditate to convince myself to not stress about other peoples spending habits. Also this year is the first year my family has agreed to draw names for gifts and I'm convinced that someone or something is going to make that a dramatic event despite it's good intentions. Spite and greed are some of those things I could verbally abuse Pandora for putting in her box.
Anyway. It's later in the afternoon and I've successfully done not too much since this mornings activities. I was awakend at 8, but was supposed to be up earlier, to take my car to the shop to have the front bumper and headlight fixed from the accident. Then to the bike shop to clean up a mess we started last night and finish tidying up my bike. Then I returned to seclusion in the safety of Waynes condo, took a shower, phoned a significant someone, ate lunch, and began this blog. But Wayne is playing on the big daddy mac and keeps making me come in there and look at gross email forward pictures because he thinks it's funny. I'm in the next room on the couch and I've started just asking him to email them to me (me? lazy? hah) but he wont. Plus I'm afraid he might send me a disgusting picture of a really really fat naked person and then I'd have that one my computer, be it for only a short amount of time. I dont want to risk it so I just get up and go look. It's enough to make me want to go purge, as Rob would say.
But this is what holidays are for. Not having commitments and not worrying about anything. Now, I want to ride my bicycle before it rains, so