Ahhh, Good morning America--it is ten till eight on this chilly December mornin and here I sit, diligently, studiously, seeking brief refuge in an empty classroom at the university I know and love as my own, woo hoo!
I'm almost positive that anyone reading this is as infatuated with life as I am.
HAH...(WHAT has she been drinking?)
So I have an exam at 10:15...or 10:30, either way I'm already in the classroom, so I dont think I'll be able to miss it. Even with my luck. No no, with my luck, the last day of class (that I didn't go to) they decided to have the exam in a different room. That has actually happened to me before, and because I threatened the life of the professor, I still got a B in the class even tho I missed the final, along with about 10 other non-lastdayofclass-goers. I hope I never have to do that again, it stressed me out, having to think of ways to make the prof believe I really was going to track her down, even to her summer getaway, until she let me take the final.
ok I didn't really threaten her life, but I bet she thought it was coming judging from the number of times everyone called her. Seven of us went back to my (then empty) dorm, and we called every 3 minutes and always left messages. Frantic ones at that. Since then I've had nightmares about missing final exams, so you can see how it scarred me.
That's why I'm at school beore 8am and my exam isn't until 10 something.
What, did you think I was really that ambitious? I actually had a nightmare in the three hours of sleep I had between 2:30 and 6:30am. When I looked at the alarm clock after it sounded off with its blood curdling "wagh wagh wagh," I thought "oh #@&*! it's 6:30, I gotta go!" and that nasty surge of early morning adrenaline is NOT a very good feeling...I imagine its almost equivalent to waking up on the edge of a cliff.
tomorrow will be nice, I'll wake up and hear Ellen chiming "and I dont have to go right now..." and all will be good.
today I let my car warm up for 10 full minutes before driving the 45seconds to the marta station. but it ran so much smoother, and theres nothing like getting into a warm car when theres frost on the ground
(I just sneezed so loud I probably interrupted the exam takers next door. it really echoed in the room I'm in)
Rob's coming into town tonight! Yay :) I love having company, especially company that I like. Good ole Rob, I'm going to make him rake leaves with me (haha, you didn't know THAT did you Robin? mwahaha) Hopefully theres a bluegrass show tonight (like I promised) and we'll make it in time to sneak in before cover charges apply. I do dislike covercharges.
I feel so empathetic for these kids who have 8am exams. all hurrying around to get to class. except at this point I kindof wish mine was at 8 too. oh well, but, I'm meeting my best Atlanta friend Christyna after my exam and we're supposed to "catch up" b/c we havent talked in two weeks or more. (it's a good thing we're not like some people I hear about) Anyway, last year we took a Stats final together and it was so freakin hard we both needed a drink after class (and she "doesn't drink")...so there we were at 11:15, ordering margaritas at Mama Niftas mexican cantina--the only time I've had a drink before noon. I think.
All morning as I was getting ready for school, the country song "Fancy" was in my head...I dont know why, but it was still in my brain while I was standing at the station waiting for the train (in the frost) so I made myself hum "white christmas" for two stanzas...I think it worked,
until I just mentioned it, that is.