Yesterday I should have studied more than I did, but it wasn't my fault. Lifetime sucked me in for their afternoon matinee and I had to watch The Christmas Child...which I still didn't really get the gist of. Then I DID start to study but I left the tube on and a while later I heard this british voice "ooohhww mey! sheys sleepin weeth cat pew!" and I was again sucked into watching "how dirty is your house"...and man that girls house was NASTY! That poor cat. Anyway, it made me feel like less than a perfect mother to my cat, so I went about making her a new eating area and bathroom area and gave her new food and cleaned out the litter box, which wasnt that bad, but I thought we dont go to the bathroom with stuff already in the toilet, why should she? Robin wont even use the toilet when theres a q-tip that accidentally fell from the cabinet in it.
I can see this is going to turn into me cleaning the litter more than once daily now. Oh well. Then I worked on my paper and studied some more and went to bed around 2am thinking about the forward rob sent me about how bad it is to mess with your biological clock. Sucks for my clock!
Today has been ok...I got up early and plodded my way up to the shower where I now take time to allow me to humor myself with wodering what a taun taun is and not really wanting to know at the same time--but I think they might be smelly.
I naturally finished my anal retentive rewrite of the social psych paper about 30mins before the exam and the exam itself wasn't too bad...i hope.
Now I'm sitting in a cold room, seeking refuge so I can email and type this blog and post so rob doesn't get mad...haha! it's all his fault. Gah rob.
chestnuts roasting on an open fire