"they're both out for the season. Finn with an ankle, and J with a groin"
...that's what I caught of the last of a sports news update on my way to the marta station from starbucks. I thought it was funny. I laughed and the guy behind me must've thought that was just too much energy for me to be expelling while sitting at a redlight and he got over next to me in the other lane, I think I actually sensed his irritation. And when the light turned green he ZOOMED ahead....to the next red light. So, you know, he beat me there and I lost (for anyone who didn't already know that it really is a race--personally I can't consider myself a participant b/c I drive a fuel efficient vehicle, but it's not efficient enough for me to blow a $2 gallon of petro to try to boost my ego in 100yds...it would take more like, you know...well, I dont know, but more) But seriously I do wish I carried treats in my car because I really think people should get SOME sort of acknowlegment when they make such an accomplishment-
Oh yea, this morning I was leaving(to go to starbucks) and I was saying bye to my feline roommate Plato. I said "bye bye Plato! hold down the fort, meow meow" And she sat down and kindof shot me this "god I hate your honkey accent when you try to talk cat" So I said "well, deal with it, I'm just trying to get along"
I could have said something mean, like I could have said something about how she drools all the time and no other cat does that for no reason so she must be a reject...but I didn't.
I can tell this is the beginning of a great friendship.
Ok. So it's Thursday afternoon and I need to get out from in front of this computer.
toot ta-loo