I'm piddling the day away. It has been very nice and warm in Atl today. Good day to be outside.
And two things came in the mail. Well, one in email form, but the other actual mail. The email was from GSU, announcing that (gasp!) I made the Dean's list. Being that I graduated in May, this is a good bit slower than a few years ago when they let me know (by mail) that I was accepted to the program three months after I was already taking classes. The other news is that I applied to take state certification exams for Social Work and Substance Abuse Counselor jobs, and received a notice that my education satisfies the counseling requirements, so all this time I've avoided applying to those positions b/c I'm not "certified"...blagh. BUT, that's good news. And means I'm on a LIST of a million other ppl who are qualified, and may be recruited to work for the GOV. ALLLLLrighty then.
hmmm...I just realized I haven't had coffee yet.