I'll be hugging mine tomorrow!
I'm one of those people who probably references my parents and my upbringing on a daily basis, sometimes multiple times a day. Despite some pretty heavy obstacles, I, have always been able to say "I had a fantastic childhood" and I really mean I would trade NOTHING for the life I have had -- I have a lovely family in general, but I attribute almost all the credit to my parents, specifically my mom. I am who I am because of my mom. And I'd like to think I turned out pretty well.
I know a lot of daughters say this, but my mother is absolutely positively the most phenomenal woman I know. Personally and professionally. And that is only what I can put into words and try to keep to one sentence because I could write novels. Actually, anyone who knows my mom could say the same. She is exceptional beyond words.
Mom emailed me this link today because she said it made her day. Reading it, it made mine too, because I know it's true and too often Librarians aren't given the lime light they deserve. So here it is.
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