holy mother of moses I almost forgot....LENT!!!! What kind of non-Catholic-Lent-participator-because-its-the-hip-thing-to-do-even-if-we-dont-know-what-it-means am I????
So I've shared this with a few people here at work, but I want to make it blog-public.
While I did not don the smudge...I did do something to join the masses (no pun intended...hehe) and I vowed to give up something. And since I'm not Catholic I used my protestant-raised card to alter my commitment to something I enjoy even though it's not really that important to me. And that would be: Soy.
But as a gesture of my faith, because I'm being sincere about this. I upgraded my period of abstanance from Lent-time to LIFETIME.
no more soy...permanently
whoa.....and that made me just realize...
green is people, man
(giggles hysterically as she runs from the office...)