This little buggar was trying his best to catch some sun yesterday when I returned from moving a few things into the new condo. I wasn't sure what it was at first, but I didn't think it was poisonous because the shape of the head and rounded eyes are non-viper. I might have also texted a picture to Rob for safe measure before entertaining further contact :) -- this is a baby Rat Snake
I tried to shoo him into the bushes but he was determined to stay right there on the sidewalk, no doubt hoping for a few rays of sunshine to peep through the clouds. Maybe he just ate a little lizard and was stuck in the open trying to digest. Maybe the recent sharp drop in temperature left him feeling too aware of his cold blooded existence...who knows.
And I would have just left him there except I knew one of two things would probably happen:
1. The neighborhood cat (and avid snake killer) "Puddles" would take it as his next victim (until now the only snakes I've ever seen here have already met Puddles), or
2. another person passing by would have the ever so common reaction of "KILL THE SNAKE!!!" and the same sad fate would occur
So I scooped him up in a glass bowl then transferred him into a small bucket with leaves and some water. He seems to be a very perceptive little snake and would look right at me even if I wasn't moving around or making noise.
He may not know it (or appreciate it) but spending a few days in our apartment until later in the week when it warms back up might just save his little reptile life. Or at least extend it somewhat.
Having had the experience we had with rodents in our last abode, I'm more than happy to support the rat snake population on this island!
Rob said he couldn't believe I caught it and honestly, it was just a spur of the moment thing but it had a lot to do with the fact that he was clearly somewhat disabled. Which reminded me of a time when I was little (really, 5 or 6) and was playing in the yard while mother was humoring the Jehovah's witness who had just stopped by the house. I discovered a little green snake and picked it right up to take in and show mom. I was so proud of myself.
(they look like this)
(they look like this)
The Jehovah's witness nearly fainted and of course fled the scene. We've since joked that she probably though I was Satan's spawn bringing the serpent to tempt the unfaithful.
Mom saved it in a shoebox until Dad came home from work, at which time I was educated on exactly what kind of snake it was and on NOT picking up ANY snakes even though I not only felt I would sense which ones were bad or good (haha) I also loved all animals so much that I truly believed they would sense this and never hurt me (but I've always thought children are so much more in tune with the world than there's still a chance I might have been on to something ;)
(UPDATE:...umm...the snake died anyway. so it goes)
(UPDATE:...umm...the snake died anyway. so it goes)