oh the short weeks of holiday layovers. i still haven't wholley realized that tomorrow, or, today, i should say, is wednesday. this weeks list of "to dos," which is usually long anyway, was hastily carved and whittled into what essentially consists of a three day work week. because, no matter how great my intentions are, theres simply no way for me, at this point, to jump right back on the productive band wagon i fell off of last friday. and in a hurry i might add.
the weekend was a nice time spent in south carolina at our "cabin," as it is so lovingly called....and such a delightful expression considering this quaint hand-carved spectacle of a residence, while padded on all sides by truly old and wonderful wilderness, is also nestled cozily into the very armpit of what may be the closest earthly thing to hell i've ever known. yes, i still call it hell, because when i do acknowledge it, or when it forces me to acknowledge it, it's my very own hell, with my name engraved on it an everything.....and i hope that by my dying day i've either been enlightened into nothingness, or i've found something equally despicable to destest for the end of my years on earth. and c'mon, for all the wonderful things we enjoy in this world, it's simply the balance of life to have a good seething apathy for something.....for some humans its cell phones, noisey people at graduation ceremonies, cars without mufflers....but for me, it's woodruff.
nuff said. kev and i avoided the inner city limits of there, and saturday AND sunday drove out to what still ranks high on my list of great mountain bike trails. saturday we did two laps, and sunday i eeked out one, because i've been a riding slacker. running mostly, but not much of anything this month as i try to rid myself of a cold virus i swear must have been nesting in my left big toe since junior high, because thats the last time i ever had anything so consuming. i lost my voice and everything, which, besides the pain, is pretty cool. i can't sing a damned thing but fleetwood mac. with enough advil and cough syrup, it's probably one of the best side effects i could get from a cold. haha.
okay, enough with the smart-assedness. the point of this blog was a confession.
sometimes. and i do mean sometimes, i buy things based on the uniqueness of their packaging. i figure, well hell, they did a bang up job on that label, who cares if it tastes like crap, it'll look great in my cabinet.....
yea, that's stupid.
anyway, but i do. and tonight i did something i RARELY ever do, and bought some wine based on a cool label. but honestly i did read the back and it sounds good. for all the wine i've tried and narrowed down, i still dont know how to pick out a good zinfandel (and, umm....that'd be the red kind)
so while putting away the assortment of fruits and veggies i bought at the brand spanking new publix that's literally hidden amongst the bushes about 5 miles from my house like something out of a dream. COOL. (i know, so lame) i considered my choices in mother natures bounty.
zucchini. ah yes. a favorite. grapes, pears. ah hah, my daily fruit group. cucumbers. herb salad (buy 2 get $1 off with secret coupons), sweet peppers (red, yellow, and green) chives, limes, garlic, and...then
eggplant. that mysterious fruit that i refuse to give up on. sure that one day i'll find a recipe that brings out the secret hidden magnificent flavor. thinking, surely this plant isn't as pallid and tasteless as it has always been every single time i've eaten it. and tried and true, i have yet to find an eggplant recipe that doesn't simply make the eggplant take on the flavor of the seasoning. the texture is okay, but you know, not great enough to make up for a complete lack of robustness that it's exterior boastfully insinuates.
and i realized, with a small gasp, that the eggplant is one of those items i buy because....well.....it looks cool.
so. heres to eggplants and zinfandel.
night night.