I think I should get some sort of recognition for now holding the record for staying inside a marmoots belly for the longest period of time. I know many thought I wasn't gonna make it out. but I prevailed.
or was it a skunk
no, of course not because then naturally I'd smell like a skunk, and I guess that after TWO marmoot belly experiences, I know well enough that their innards dont stink too terribly bad. at least not as bad as I hear taun-tauns do. nothing a little Ivory can't fix.
or clorox.
mamas got the magic of clorox.
so my undergraduate career came to a close. for all its raging over the last three weeks I thought surely it would end with something not too short of delivering Earth from an invastion of rhinestone and sequin-covered laughing purple hermit crabs...it did however end on a really fun note, and it being cinco de mayo sort-of iced the cake.
the only drawback was that I had, a few days early, shot myself in the foot (...for a second there I thought about whether there was a past-tense form of "shot" and briefly wondered, "shat?" hah. oh God. here I am graduating from college and I'm only getting dumber by the day) ok, because in my well-intentioned quest to save the world from rhinestone and sequin covered laughing purple hermit crabs, I no doubt must have worn my immune system out, man. and those tiny mid-evil torture devices also known as allergens that include themselves in 99.9% of the air in Richard Moooooore(gan)s house these days finally dug themselves far enough into my distracted sinus cavity to set up camp. little buggars. so for the last few days I've been after them to clean up and pack out. unfortunatly they had already ticked off my mucus membranes which are now attempting to FLOOD the allergens out, so I've also used enough paper products in the last two days to be a primary stockholder of Kleenex and Charmin
and with that, I close, for now. since I have more free time now there are higher chances of me noticing the blue million strange and unusual bloggable things that happen to me everyday-
Peace,Love, and Bugs.