wasn't all that unusual. i mean, it is june.
it was a little odd (but only a little) that the words my sweet Christmas melody was accompanying were from Lewis Carrolls "Jabberwocky"
it stuck until we went to breakfast...parked the car, were seated inside "...and the mome raths outgrabe...la la la la la" -- the background music in the cafe was some pleasant semi up tempo new age music until-- just as we were getting ready to depart-- on came one of the most idiotic and massively popular songs ever written....
"Last Friday Night"
now home. must. find. something. to. override.
met my neighbor as I was walking in and she was leaving for church. she's probably the best neighbor we've ever had. Betty. she's 80. professor of religions studies. wife of a late Episcopalian priest. mother of two. grandmother of who knows how many. fiercely democratic. drinker of wine. eater of cheese and generally one of the most hilarious people I know. we hang out with her more than we do people our age.
she asked me how Henry was doing and I asked her if she was on her way to church (those kind-of stupid yet truly good natured space-filler observation-questions) and she said yes, even though she'd much rather just lounge around. then she added "I'll have a star in my crown someday you know. well. At least, if there is a God....hehe. But I guess then I might have lost that star just now"
Henry is now big enough to really pack some punch/kicks, and still has just enough room to occasionally put on quite a show. fascinating. and pretty darn distracting. I've now made it to the third trimester 'home stretch'-- and like magic, everything. is. more. difficult. getting off the couch, getting out of bed (and sleep is often quite painful). God forbid I somehow end up sitting on the floor (but it's easier than leaning over or crouching). my ankles are long gone. I can only wear my wedding band. and I feel pretty much warm-to-blazing hot all the time (doesn't help it's four million degrees outside).
but what's even MORE bizarre is that in just 10 weeks he'll be fully developed and ready to make his appearance. TEN WEEKS!!!!! dear Jesus. the realization that in a few months I'll no longer be growing a child in a blissfully self-contained autopilot system. he'll be out. here. totally helpless and at the mercy of two brand new parents who have NO CLUE what to do with a newborn. whew. I think the scariest thing for me so far is bath time. I mean....HOW do you even do that without totally screwing something up? and I have dreams about royally failing at breastfeeding, probably because it's my only solid plan so far. hah. also Rob and I have both developed an odd sense of suspicion...perhaps fear even, that despite the ultrasound technicians determination, he may turn out to be a she. now that we've both said (out loud) things like "oh thank God we're having a boy first' and "I'm so glad we're having a boy first" -- not to mention the astounding amount of blue that has taken over our home and bedroom.
and while I'm on the baby subject. I've been wanting to just get it out there even though it won't change a thing and I really don't care THAT much about it because I know people say stupid crap.
but my WORD people say the most asinine, snobbish, asshole things to first time parents. I've heard it happens with parents having their 2nd child too so apparently it never ends. there's always someone out there who knows more and feels the need to FOREWARN.
I thought pre-wedding commentary was ridiculous, but some of the things I've been told kindof make me want to kick someone in the shin.
top two on the charts
1. "get ready because YOUR WHOLE WORLD IS ABOUT TO CHANGE"
no way!? we thought we were just picking up a new hobby.
and being pregnant for 7 months hasn't changed much for me at all. it's been a breeeeeze. we're planning to go on a mediterranean cruise when this is over.
my uncle is the only person who has ever demonstrated this sentiment without sounding patronizing. he said "man, I remember when we had Suzanne Marie, it completely shut us down...for like, THREE MONTHS"
(now I can totally appreciate that! I know it's true, and it's funny. Thanks Uncle Rick)
2. some version of: "enjoy every second because they grow up so fast"
this one really gets me. I might need to bump it to #1 because it's that unnecessary and annoying to someone who's (gasp) about to become a parent. it's prudish and suggests we WON'T love love love our child. yes children grow very quickly. I'm not saying I won't miss the baby days, but c'mon....we observe it ALL THE TIME. and, well, i haven't told many people, but.....it even happened to ME and PEOPLE I KNOW!!!! dear lord just yesterday I was sitting on the front porch, in a suspicious smelling diaper, happily munching on whatever flower was growing out of one of mom's planters
but seriously. it is truly astounding. i look at our baby clothes and think, holy crap in just _____ months he'll be big enough to wear this! aww, boo! so I mean, I get it. Just because I haven't experienced it first hand doesn't mean I'm an idiot. And I'm not done ranting yet.
I haven't posted a whole lot on Facepoo about our adventures in gestation. but one day, out of pure glee. true love. momentary, totally ignorant, wholesome parent-to-be excitement, I posted a comment about picking out the color of paint for a piece of furniture we acquired.
PAINT, people. c'mon. I'm dancing around the house humming twinkle twinkle little star over a...a... paint chip!
25 people give an appropriate thumbs up and later several people add encouraging commentary.
but there is ALWAYS a debbie downer lurking for a chance to rain on a parade. so this was the first comment:
ummmm......I'm sorry, did you seriously just find a way to frowny face my happy post?
naturally, because I'm a babyzilla or an overreactive heartless bitch or something, I deleted it.
My facebook and blog pages may join the ranks in fuelling capitalism, marketing, social brainwashing and illegal government spying unlike any other online forum can, but by golly, I'll censor what I want to.
and that kind of influence tends to start trends that I don't like. so I removed it. "friend" be damned. because sure as I left it up, her words would infect others. and people would start thinking about how sad they were. their children were growing up and OMG I LOST ALL THOSE MOMENTS....
see...that's no way to be
but to prove I'm not completely crazy, our landlord gave us a baby gift and this card and I thought it was effing hilarious

see. THAT'S funny.
point made. rant over :)
tootles, little blog