I seem to blog more on Sundays than any other day. or. er. when I do blog, it's more likely to be on a Sunday than any other day of the week. But I write constantly in my head. It's what I do. I think. think. think. think. think. ponder. ponder. ponder. usually there is some laughter and crying intermingled. just for the full effect.
oh well
I'm trying to decide whether to go to the beach or commit to spending a beautiful day indoors reading....can't imagine I'll do the latter. I have a new book, but it's only on my nook, which is unreadable at the beach, even with our giant umbrella -- compliments of my husband who purchased it to replace my trusty $12 CVS umbrella which had lasted almost three years until he accidentally shredded it on a beach trip earlier in the year. The first time I took the new umbrella to the beach I couldn't set it up on my own. Talk about feeling like a wimp. I sent a frustrated text to Rob who left work and came out to open it for me, then went back to work. In my defense the damn thing is huge and it was very windy that day. I did take it another time and successfully opened it, but it's BIG...I felt like I needed at least one toddler, a bouncy baby and to be waddling around myself with another cherub on the way to justify taking that umbrella to the beach.....my husband, a giant cooler, toys and one set of grandparents would also be able to fit comfortably within its shade. It would appear I'm limited on the necessary # of humans required to justify it's use...and it will probably take me actually having children to coerce any of the others into going along...by then we'll live in the mountains. sigh. always something.
well, maybe I'll stop at CVS en route to the beach....
I did feel obligated to put something up here so the ole girl doesn't feel neglected, and below is really the only thing I had in mind to post...so I just rambled much more than I intended...damn road to hell