the sounds of a jet overhead are going up and down, like blowing across the top of a beer bottle with only the suds and a little liquid sloshing in the bottom.
Dear Blog,
It's been a while, so I'll keep it short and to the point.
Summer is in full throttle and I didn't even notice winter pass by except that I had to put my favorite argyle sweater away after sweating it out a few days at the office.
I work with the elderly. For some reason I connect with older folks than younger ones, particularly those my age, which is also probably why I'm still "single"....or at least not in a relationship that will go anywhere fullfilling...but then, what is fullfilling. Maybe just a socially-imparted idea of what a 26 yr old female is suppose to be looking for. hmmm.
but then again, I was never that great at philosophy.
I have new a pup and an almost-year-old-to-me home, Stella is still as neuroic as I've raised her to be, my car from high school still loyally plugging along. The brother is digging into his first out of college engineering job making more than I have managed to in three years of ladder-climbing, mom and Wayne will celebrate an anniversary in marriage in Sept and in owning the "Big House" just after my "Little House" anni in November. Things move along. Just as time deems them too.
recently learned that mosquitos carry heartworm to dogs, so I suppose we should stick to the prevention remedy seeing as the buzzers around my Newnan home are as large and daring as mice to a cheesed trap! I've so far ignored the fleas my cat is scratching at and trying to budget as much as possible for the ever-rising price of petro. Someone tells me they make hydrogen cars now....only problem is you have to move to one of two places in California to fuel them. clincher!
it's a lazy summer 80 degrees in the shade of the porch and there's a fountain in the marsh river beyond our condo that is setting the tempo for the tunes of afternoon bugs and heat. all in all, it's relaxing. i dont leave until tomorrow.